本站优智创想智能工具导航提供的Valyr都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由优智创想智能工具导航实际控制,在2023-04-22 18:21收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,优智创想智能工具导航不承担任何责任。
常识的机器提供了api、接口和开放源码软件综合输入和经验转化为数字内容创建和AI培训模拟器。我们相信,学习世界模型生成系统的路径实现AGI通讯社,类似于一个孩子对其世界从经验中学习。(Common Sense Machines provides APIs, interfaces, and open source software to translate multi-modal inputs and experiences into a digital simulator for AI training and content creation. We believe that learning generative world models is a systematic path towards achieving AGI, similar to how a child learns about its world from experience.)
RTutor是一个基于ai的应用程序,可以快速生成R和测试代码。由API调用OpenAI达芬奇(ChatGPT的兄弟姐妹),RTutor将自然语言转换为R脚本,然后在闪亮的执行平台。R减价可以生成源文件和HTML报告。看看这里的github回购:https://github.com/gexijin/RTutor(RTutor is an AI-based app that can quickly generate and test R code. Powered by API calls to OpenAI's Davinci (ChatGPT's sibling), RTutor translates natural languages into R scripts, which are then executed within the Shiny platform. An R Markdown source file and HTML report can be generated. Check out the github repo here: https://github.com/gexijin/RTutor)
加速你的视力AI模型创建。合成数据是一种廉价的替代真实世界数据用于训练和提高人工智能模型。为了培养准确的人工智能模型,大量的数据是必要的。使用真实的3 d模型可以很容易地创建合成人工智能分类和数据对象检测。(Accelerate Your Vision AI Model Creation. Synthetic data is an inexpensive alternative to real world data that is used to train and improve AI models. In order to train accurate AI models, a large amount of data is needed. With use of realistic 3D models you can easily create synthetic data for AI classification and object detection.)